Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hello and Welcome!!

Hello! My name is Gina and welcome to my new blog!!

This blog is an extension of my BookTube channel, Randomly Bookish Gina!

I'm hoping to post more reviews on here than video reviews on my channel. It will be easier for me to find time to open up my laptop when I'm done with a book or right after I see a movie or play than it will be to find time to set up my camera and lights and record. I typically record videos in bulk a few times a month and I've found that waiting to film sometimes I forget key points I would like to bring up in my review.

I do review on Goodreads but I'm planning on having more in depth reviews here.

I'm looking forward to building this blog and having a new way of interacting with everyone!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Hope you're having a fantastic day, and I'll see you in the next post!!


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