Sunday, August 28, 2016

Positivity and Being Addicted to Technology


This weekend I did something I haven't done much since graduating from college: left my phone in another room.

It's amazing how less stress I've felt this weekend and how much I could have potentially gotten done. I say potentially because I spent the weekend watching movies! I haven't watched so many movies in one weekend in so long, it was wonderful!!

I know without a doubt that I am completely addicted to my phone. First thing I do when I wake up is check social media and timehop. On breaks and lunch at work I and almost everyone else have our noses in our phones. When I get home aside from making dinner and getting ready for the next day I'm pretty much stuck checking Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Sometimes I play games other times I may actually be in a conversation with someone. Most of the time however, I don't need to be checking everything.

I've found I get distracted by checking everything so often I don't find time to read or do any of the other things I'd rather be doing with my time such as crafting, crocheting, editing videos, playing video games, or planning for future videos.

My last year of college I took this Positive Psychology course and we each had to come up with a big semester positivity project. One aspect of my project I decided to spend less time on technology on Sundays. By this I kept my phone in my room and only got on my computer/tablet if I had homework to work on. This helped me get my homework done/started prior to Sunday and left me with the whole day of doing other things. There were some expectations for instance if I had plans on Sunday I took my phone with me.

We had other projects to do in the class and all of which were very simple and helped tremendously in lowering stress and living an overall more positive lifestyle.

I've been wanting to incorporate some of these tricks into my everyday life and by making this post I'm hopefully going to stick with them! I like to think I'm generally a pretty positive person but there are times when my fuse is short and my impatience gets the best of me.

As I sit here watching Brooklyn I knew I wanted to make this post. This movie makes me happy and is easily on of my favorites! The book is also one of my favorites! By cutting out time on my phone I'm hoping to give more time to this blog and my BookTube channel. Having more time to work on things I love and not focusing on the media and checking things that don't need to be checked at every moment of the day I'm hoping to get back to those positive aspects I learned in class.

I leave you with a quote.

“Happiness comes from living as you need to, as you want to. As your inner voice tells you to. Happiness comes from being who you actually are instead of who you think you are supposed to be.”
― Shonda Rhimes from her book Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person

Hope you're all having a great day and I'll see ya in the next post!!


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