Friday, September 2, 2016

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch || BOOK REVIEW

I've been wanting to read this book since I saw it at Book Con back in May. I ended up listening to it on audio book and loved every moment! The audio book was narrated by Jon Lindstrom who did a great job of capturing the creepy feel of this book. 

I started this book pretty much blind since I had forgotten the description I read back in May and this is one I'm not sure I would recommend going in blind with. I dd end up reading the description after about half an hour of listening to the book. 

I love that Crouch dives right into the action! There isn't a whole lot of background information in the beginning of the book and that lets the reader get hooked fairly quickly. I loved that we were seeing everything as our main character, Jason, was seeing it. Crouch does such a good job of giving just enough details to make you think you know what is going to happen but then throws in a curve ball to make you question everything. 

There were multiple occasions where I was left staring at my phone in disbelief of what was happening in the story. Sometimes I couldn't believe I missed something that seemed obvious others I was shocked that the story went in a completely different direction. 

The character development was amazing! Every character was well thought even the side characters were memorable and unique to who they are. Even the relationships between Jason and all the side characters were well done and made you feel for these characters. 

Dark Matter is more than a Science Fiction Thriller; it has heart, mystery, science elements, creepy elements, and so much more. It is easily one of my favorites of the year so far!!

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