Friday, September 9, 2016

Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple || BOOK REVIEW

Book: Where'd You Go, Bernadette
Author: Maria Semple
Format: Audio book
Narrator: Kathleen Wilhoite


Where'd You Go, Bernadette tells the intriguing story of Bernadette Fox. The book is told mostly through a letter format using emails, messages, and hand written notes. When there isn't a letter to go through we get information through Bernadette's daughter, Bee. The book is told through her perspective as if she is the author of the book using the information and documentation she has to piece together the events of the book. 

This book takes place over a few months but gives us detailed information about the past to build up the story. Bernadette and her husband move to Seattle after he gets a job with Microsoft, leaving behind the architect scene of LA that Bernadette was deeply involved with. She gives up being an architect to be a stay home mom to Bee. Bee is an 8th grader getting ready to graduate and wants to go on a trip to Antarctica as her prize for getting great grades all throughout middle school. 

The only problem with a family trip to Antarctica is that Bernadette seems to have something holding her back mentally from fully committing to the idea. She secretly hires an online assistant from India to do all her shopping and make appointments for less than a dollar an hour. While her husband works and gets close to his admin, who happens to be a mom from Bee's school that Bernadette does not like, Bernadette makes plans and sets things in motion for the family trip. 


The characterization in this book is phenomenal! We see multiple people through emails, newsletters, and hand written notes so it's a decent cast of characters with varying points of view. There are characters you fall in love with and then there are characters you hate. 

I love Bernadette and her cooky way of thinking and solving problems. There were multiple times I laughed out loud at something she did or said and I definitely felt all the feels as you get more details about Bernadette. 

I had a little bit of a problem with Bee. I kept forgetting she was supposed to be 14 going on 15 and not 10, however, this may have something to do with how she was voiced in the audio book. Other than that I enjoyed her character. She is a strong young woman who loves her mom and would do anything to stand by her side. 

The rest of the characters were true to themselves and all had unique characteristics that made them each come alive. While some of them, like the moms from Bee's school, are annoying and miserable people, they are well written. 


The main plot point of this book is that Bernadette goes missing and her daughter and husband set out to discover what happened. I love the title and story line that she's gone missing because it really seems to have more than one meaning. 

She does eventually go physically missing but she also seems to be mentally missing as well. We see into her past, into the Bernadette she use to be and I feel like the question "Where'd you go, Bernadette?" is even more present about who she use to be compared to who she throughout this story. 

What I liked:

I really enjoyed the writing of this book. The letter format worked well and really gave this story the depth that it needed. I also loved the fact that we did get a little bit of psychology in it. While Bernadette never gets diagnosed we still see her have anxiety and find out why she has that anxiety. 

As I mentioned above I loved the characterization, even with the miserable characters. 

I really liked the visualization that this book gives you. I'd love to see the 20 mile house!! It just sounds so amazing. Semple does a great job of describing the scenery and letting her readers picture exactly what it is she envisioned. 

What I disliked:

This book isn't perfect and there are flaws but most of what I disliked were certain miserable characters and choices Bernadette's husband makes. I also would have liked a little more clarity with the psychology and not just a brief mention of various disorders. Other than that I would have to nit pick thing I didn't like.


Overall I really enjoyed this book. It's a fun, quick read but it's also different and keeps you guessing. Is this my favorite book? No. Will I reread it? Probably not. I have no intention of having this book in my collection but I'm very glad that I read it and would recommend it! 

Fun Tidbits:

The narrator of this book, Kathleen Wilhoite, plays Luke's sister, Liz Danes on Gilmore Girls! Her voice is very noticeable and she did an amazing job with all the various characters! There is also a point where she sings O Holy Night and it is beautiful! I would buy a Christmas album if she had one!! 

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