Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Mermaids in Paradise by Lydia Millet || BOOK REVIEW

Book: Mermaids in Paradise
Author: Lydia Millet
Format: Audio book via Overdrive app 

This book. This book was something alright. 

Just by looking at the title, cover, and description of this book you would think it was a fun summer contemporary about mermaids. That is not entirely the case. As my coworker, who recommended this to me, and I discussed this book is part romance part mermaids and part murder mystery. 

Part one of the book is all about our main character, Deb, and the moments leading up to her wedding day. This part is mermaid free and could have been shorter. Our narrator goes on random tangents that I could have done without, but she is consistent and goes on tangents throughout the story. Part two is the Honeymoon. In this part we see our newlyweds on their honeymoon adventure where they end up going diving with their island friends and come across some mermaids. This is where the book starts getting a little weird, but still enjoyable. As I mentioned part of this story is murder mystery and mystery it is. This aspect of the book was well done and had me intrigued but I feel it could have been executed better. 

I enjoyed this book but it wasn't amazing. It was a fun read and I was definitely interested in finding out what was going to happen next but there were some flaws. The biggest flaw I had was the ending of the book. I'm not going to spoil anything but basically the ending had me open mouthed staring at my phone in disbelief. I wish we could have seen more of the story arc that the ending mentions but sadly we only get the last few paragraphs. I think this book could have been fantastic had some certain plot points been explored more and maybe had the book gone in a different direction from the very beginning. 

That being said I did enjoy this. It was quick, light, funny, and interesting. I probably will never reread it but I would recommend it to someone looking for something a bit different. 

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