Monday, October 10, 2016

The Girl from the Sea by Shalini Boland || BOOK REVIEW

Book: The Girl from the Sea
Author: Shalini Boland
Release Date: June 9, 2016
Published: Adrenalin Books
Genres: Mystery Thriller
Format: Audiobook
Narrator: Gemma Dawson
Length: 7 hr and 17 min
Audio Published: Tantor Audio
Pages: 306


Waking up on the beach not knowing who she is or what happened to her, our main character begins her journey of trying to figure out what use to be her life. 

Mia is a 25 year old woman who has amnesia throughout the majority of this story. It takes a few chapters to learn her name and start learning a few details about who she is. It's her boyfriend that claims her and brings her home feeding her details about who she is and where they are at in their life. 

Very quickly Mia feels unease with her boyfriend and wants to him to leave her alone. After she contacts her mother and sister she starts feeling like everyone is lying to her when things aren't adding up. 

Through wondering around town and finding a friend she can confide in Mia slowly starts having flashbacks and feelings of who she use to be. This story is a gripping thriller of figuring out who you once were and if that person is who you want to be now. 


Our main character, Mia, is sweet and innocent essentially experiencing things for the first time. She reaches out to her family and some friends she thinks she can trust all the while wanting to be alone to try and remember who she once was. For the most part Mia is an enjoyable character and I really found my self rooting for her throughout the story.

Her boyfriend, Piers, is a truly unlikable character. From the moment we meet him I didn't trust him and thought he was hiding things from Mia. He came to the hospital claiming to be her boyfriend then keeps letting himself into her home with his set of keys and forcing her into social situations that she is not ready for. I found myself getting uncomfortable and tense anytime he was in the scene. 

We really don't get to see a whole lot of Mia's mom and sister, which is a disappoint because I did enjoy the few scenes we got with them. 

The only other main character worth mentioning is Jack. Jack is a friend of Mia's from the rowing house and really the only person she is comfortable with after her accident. He helps her keep calm when anxiety arises and takes her out rowing to give her some sense of normalcy.

What I liked:

So much! I really enjoyed this psychological thriller. It kept me guessing and I only was able to figure things out moments before they were revealed. I enjoyed Mia as a main character, she wasn't miserable as some psychological thriller characters can be. The author does a good job of giving the reader just enough info to let you in on the secret but also keeps you guessing just as our main character is figuring out who she is. 

What I disliked:

The one thing I had trouble with is believing our main character is 25. Maybe because the narrator sounds older but also because it felt like her life was too well formed for a 25 year old, almost like everything seems too convenient and falls right into place for her.  Sure, it can happen but I kept imagining her being in her late 20s/early 30s, not 25. The ending also was a bit lack luster for me, but still enjoyable and unpredictable.


Overall I really enjoyed this book! It's been awhile since I've read a decent psychological thriller. I loved the mystery of this and how the author gave mystery in the form of the main character having amnesia. I didn't figure out the end until right before it gets revealed and with books like these I try to figure out the mystery as early as possible. The final chapter was a little lacking for me but it doesn't really take away from the overall story. In the end I would recommend this to anyone looking for a quick mystery/thriller read!  

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